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Hey There ~ I am Amanda Joy!

 Hi! I am an esthetician and massage therapist for almost eleven years. I offer multiple facials for every skin type. I give a thorough skin analysis and help educate all my clients about retail products available to purchase. With all of the advancements in skincare, there is much to be learned. I have an intense passion for learning and love to study. I am truly a believer that in all professions, you must stay up to date with what’s going on in the industry to be at the top of your game. My main goal as an esthetician is to educate my clients about the importance of maintaining a regular skincare regimen at home and having a monthly facial. I am so happy to see my clients coming back, trusting me, and more importantly, seeing the results on their skin. That's why I constantly continue to enrich my knowledge about skincare!
Whether it's relaxation or healing, massage therapy can help people feel better. Massage can help increase overall health and balance within the body and as a massage therapist, you can be an instrument in this process.  I feel very humbled that my clients trust me with their aches, pains, stresses, and stories, and allow me to be a part of their healing process. I love the fact that I get to give each client my full attention for the whole duration of the treatment. I can be fully present for them, and listen with my hands to what is going on for them physically and emotionally. 



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